Min | 1 February 2010
I listened with a furrowed brow, smiling. Then, in a flash it was over and I was laughing! I enjoyed that, thank you!
mac | 5 March 2010
thats was very funny :D
Gerrit Kasper | 25 January 2011
in my opinion its a very funny poem and it really makes me smile i like it
Leah | 6 October 2011
So funny;)
chloe h | 6 October 2011
i was frowing through that but smiled at the end
kjp | 6 October 2011
I love the humour and the ryming in the poem
adele | 6 October 2011
it’s a very random poem, but it’s good!:)
Jordan | 6 October 2011
thisis good as you have used loads of metaphors and lots of descriptions.love it !! it was so funny xx
daniel | 6 October 2011
It needs a different tone in voice!!!!!
vp | 6 October 2011
omg soo good
bob the duck | 6 October 2011
Poor kid thinking he is a potato
melissa tankut | 6 October 2011
its a good poem it ryhmes and its funny
alysia | 6 October 2011
lol well funny . listen to it !!!!!!!!!!!!! love it xx
lydia | 6 October 2011
this poem is soo funny !!!!!!:) lol:P
lol love it
TheSongBox | 31 January 2012
Very funny and easy to listen to! Just love it!